AHIT’s Practical Guide to Inspecting Roofs

By Published On: September 6th, 2013Categories: Home Inspection Career Guide0 Comments


Did you get a chance to see our webinar on inspecting roofs? If not, check it out below!

Each month, Christopher Chirafisi, AHIT Director of Technical Training, hosts an informative webinar series which will provide an overview of important concepts and techniques for conducting a thorough inspection of the various aspects of the home, including what to look for and where to look, step-by-step instructions, housing code regulations, and how to properly report your findings, as well as important operating procedures and industry standards.

Enjoy! Make sure your subscribe to our YouTube channel InspectionTraining.

About the Author: Kristin Warner

Kristin is the Marketing Director at AHIT. She has authored content for numerous real estate brands, and managed corporate communications for a public real estate company. She is passionate about the home inspection and real estate industries, and loves digging into research to provide insights that empower home inspectors and real estate agents in their businesses.