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14 12, 2015

The dangers of assuming on a home inspection

By |2015-12-14T11:00:25-06:00December 14th, 2015|Home Inspection Career Guide|0 Comments

I looked at the east, west, and south walls and there weren't any apparent problems. However, when I got to the north wall it was completely covered with the seller's storage and personal property. Instead of assuming the north wall was in good shape like the other walls, I documented the fact the wall was not visible and not evaluated due to being blocked/ covered by the seller's property.

2 11, 2015

10 tips to save energy and money in the winter

By |2022-11-27T13:46:06-06:00November 2nd, 2015|Home Inspection Career Guide|0 Comments

Install a programmable thermostat that can reduce the heat at a specific time when you are away from home and raise the heat before you get back for dinner. Having the heat at a higher temperature when the home is not occupied by anyone is inefficient, so automatically having it raised and lowered at certain times will save time and money.